Recuperat-ion for Fibromyalgia
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Recuperat-ion for Fibromyalgia
developed by Alfred Blasi

This is a specific formula created by Alfred Blasi to relieve fibromyalgia. Alfred Blasi claims that it cured him completely.

See his website at: Alfred Blasi personal website

Tell us your experiences with Recuperat-ion as a Fibromyalgia treatment. Rate the treatment below.

Treatment Ratings for FMS Symptoms
Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 6.90 6.90
Myofasical Trigger Point Pain Relief 7.70 7.70
More Energy / Mental Clarity 7.40 7.40
Better Sleep 6.90 6.90
No Side Effects 8.45 8.45
Convenience 7.64 7.64
Cost/Benefit 7.64 7.64
Depression Relief 7.40 7.40
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   6.67 6.67
Genitourinary Problem Relief 4.75 4.75
Skin Problem Relief 6.43 6.43
Hyopoglycemia Relief 4.33 4.33

Based on 11 rating(s) & review(s).

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Displaying 1-10 of 11 ratings and reviews.

1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

I want to help everybody   05/15/11
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
I want to help everybody. I live in Germany and I'm being followed by the best doctors: here is the best formula for treating fybromialgya: - Phisical exercise (you need to reinforce the internal muscles), so I do: Pilates, cycling, walking. The creation of endorphines in your body is good for everything, especially for pain). - Lyrica - 100 mg a day - you donĀ“t need more. This medicament is very good for pain and to combat fear (fear is the biggetst ennemy for someone that is suffering with chronic pain). - Mirtazapin - This is a anti-depressive that will give good quality of sleeping without major side effects. - Acupunture - silver needles - I buy them myself in internet and I do to myself a session every week (You can do it three or four times a week but you must wait for some sessions to see the results. - Try to disctract yourselve from pain and to put it aside as much as possible. - Eat well (not too much hidrocarbo). Try it and after 4 months you will be another person.

Treatment Time Frame: 1 Month
Treatment Frequency: 2 Times Per Day

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 5.00 5
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 6.00 6
More Energy / Mental Clarity n/a n/a
Better Sleep n/a n/a
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 10.00 10
Cost/Benefit 10.00 10
Depression Relief n/a n/a
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   n/a n/a
Genitourinary Problem Relief n/a n/a
Skin Problem Relief n/a n/a
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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Recuperation is a vicious cycle   02/21/10
Reviewed by:     Massachusetts, USA
Sleeping is disturbed causing insomnia

Treatment Time Frame: Over 5 Years
Treatment Frequency: 2 Times Per Week

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 6.00 6
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 6.00 6
More Energy / Mental Clarity 6.00 6
Better Sleep 4.00 4
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 5.00 5
Cost/Benefit 6.00 6
Depression Relief 1.00 1
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   6.00 6
Genitourinary Problem Relief 6.00 6
Skin Problem Relief 1.00 1
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

Recuperation   04/20/09
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
For overall well being, I have found that overtime, rest and recuperation is the best overall treatment for my FMS. I am speaking of recuperation in the form of "not working" and having the time to rest and have a less stressful environment on a continual daily basis. When trying to deal with the constant daily pain and other FMS symptoms (which includes the cognitive difficulties) while working, I have found that I ended up being totally incompacitated. I simply have not been able to function and have any quality to my life when trying to work with FMS. Trying to work and deal with the inadequate, available treatments, left me chronically depressed and hopeless. I have found that I am able to function and deal with the pain and other symptoms since leaving the workforce. I believe that FMS suffers should be declared disabled and allowed to fully recuperate overtime, which may be years, prior to returning to a work environment. This is over a 15 year time frame, so I feel qualified to offer my opinion and experience in this.

Treatment Time Frame: Over 5 Years
Treatment Frequency: Tried it Over 5 Times

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 8.00 8
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 9.00 9
More Energy / Mental Clarity 9.00 9
Better Sleep 6.00 6
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 2.00 2
Cost/Benefit 10.00 10
Depression Relief 9.00 9
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   n/a n/a
Genitourinary Problem Relief 1.00 1
Skin Problem Relief n/a n/a
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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1 out of 3 people found this review useful.

Not much help   12/14/06
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
I am 55 nearly I have had Fibromyalgia for nearly 3years now. I also have Chronic Fatigue have had it for 10years, plus I am a Eplieptic, Asthmatic, Diabeties, Degenerif Arthirtis, Osti, Rummitoid Arthirtis. Plus a lot more wrong with me. I live in Australia in the State of Queensland at Rothwell at Redcliffe.

Treatment Time Frame: Less Than 1 Week
Treatment Frequency: 1 Time Per Day

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 6.00 6
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 4.00 4
More Energy / Mental Clarity 3.00 3
Better Sleep 2.00 2
No Side Effects 4.00 4
Convenience 2.00 2
Cost/Benefit 5.00 5
Depression Relief 10.00 10
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   1.00 1
Genitourinary Problem Relief n/a n/a
Skin Problem Relief 2.00 2
Hypoglycemia Relief 3.00 3

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1 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Recuperation   11/24/06
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
My daughter has ME. She's 90% better having tried everything. Recupertion has been her salvation! I've got FMS and I am so much better. I don't take recuperation as often as I did ...both my daughter and I used to crave it. But now we both don't seem to need it like we did. We've spent a lot of money on stuff that doesn't work. Recup is very cheap because it has worked for both of us.

Treatment Time Frame: 6 Months
Treatment Frequency: When Needed

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 9.00 9
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 9.00 9
More Energy / Mental Clarity 9.00 9
Better Sleep 9.00 9
No Side Effects 9.00 9
Convenience 10.00 10
Cost/Benefit 10.00 10
Depression Relief n/a n/a
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   8.00 8
Genitourinary Problem Relief n/a n/a
Skin Problem Relief 10.00 10
Hypoglycemia Relief 9.00 9

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1 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Recuperation Saved Me From Being Disabled   11/17/06
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
I was ready to throw in the towel, go to bed and stay there. I was introduced to Recuperation on the internet through a search on Fibromyalgia at the Alfred Blasi website. Recuperation was different at first as I've always been on low salt diets by choice. I had dry lips for two weeks, also had some mood swings which is not normal for me, but my body was adjusting to more good sodium than usually ingested. It took about three months before I really noticed the differences, taking two to three sachets per day, but then I started realizing my need for naps was less (instead of 2-1/2 hour naps I sleep hard for 20-30 minutes and wake up refreshed) and I wake up about one hour earlier in the morning refreshed. My nails are so strong now I have to cut them and they always broke or peeled before. My hair is so much healthier I don't use conditioner any more and I have to get it cut sooner as it grows longer faster. I have more energy to do things and I can work more now; I also lost the post-exertional malaise that used to come when I overdid things. Now I bounce back faster with less rest time after exertion. I can roller skate for two hours and just feel tight afterwards; I also can work standing 5-7 hours on my feet in the school cafeteria and don't have to go to bed afterwards. I probably would be doing better but I have a lot of stress in my life right now (since 2001) and it takes it's toll. I wouldn't like to think of how I would be doing without Recup.

Treatment Time Frame: 6 Months
Treatment Frequency: 2 Times Per Day

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 6.00 6
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 6.00 6
More Energy / Mental Clarity 9.00 9
Better Sleep 9.00 9
No Side Effects 9.00 9
Convenience 10.00 10
Cost/Benefit 10.00 10
Depression Relief n/a n/a
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   7.00 7
Genitourinary Problem Relief 2.00 2
Skin Problem Relief 9.00 9
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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1 out of 2 people found this review useful.

For me an my wife   11/17/06
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
I am sorry not to have known it 10 years before

Treatment Time Frame: 4 Years
Treatment Frequency: Tried it 1 Time

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 10.00 10
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 10.00 10
More Energy / Mental Clarity 9.00 9
Better Sleep 10.00 10
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 10.00 10
Cost/Benefit 9.00 9
Depression Relief n/a n/a
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   10.00 10
Genitourinary Problem Relief 10.00 10
Skin Problem Relief n/a n/a
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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1 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Recuperat-ion   11/17/06
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
I have been on Recup for 6 months & what a difference it has made to my quality of life! I felt that I would have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, as I was unable to walk even 20 yards without extreme distress. Now I am able to walk almost normally; my sleep is much better; my overall stiffness & muscular spasms are significantly improved; my creativity & energy are recovering quite noticably! All in all, it has made all the difference to me. Thank-you Alfred

Treatment Time Frame: 6 Months
Treatment Frequency: 2 Times Per Day

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief n/a n/a
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 9.00 9
More Energy / Mental Clarity 9.00 9
Better Sleep 9.00 9
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 10.00 10
Cost/Benefit 10.00 10
Depression Relief 8.00 8
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   n/a n/a
Genitourinary Problem Relief n/a n/a
Skin Problem Relief 6.00 6
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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1 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Best thing I have tried in over 10 years    11/17/06
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
Recuperat-ion is the best fms/cfs treatment i have tried for fms /cfs in all the years i have had fms/cfs years - it is well worth giving a go for at least 4 months if you can as it easy to use unlike many other protocols. Thank you so much Alfred Blasi ( my headaches are cured from this treatment ).

Treatment Time Frame: 1.5 Years
Treatment Frequency: 2 Times Per Day

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 8.00 8
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 9.00 9
More Energy / Mental Clarity 10.00 10
Better Sleep 9.00 9
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 10.00 10
Cost/Benefit 7.00 7
Depression Relief 9.00 9
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   n/a n/a
Genitourinary Problem Relief n/a n/a
Skin Problem Relief 9.00 9
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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0 out of 1 people found this review useful.

fantastic for me   11/17/06
Reviewed by:     Seville, Spain
the best treatment that i tried in my life with the desease.

Treatment Time Frame: 2 Years
Treatment Frequency: 2 Times Per Day

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 10.00 10
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 9.00 9
More Energy / Mental Clarity 9.00 9
Better Sleep 10.00 10
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 10.00 10
Cost/Benefit 6.00 6
Depression Relief n/a n/a
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   8.00 8
Genitourinary Problem Relief n/a n/a
Skin Problem Relief 8.00 8
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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Displaying 1-10 of 11 ratings and reviews.

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