Occupational Therapy for Fibromyalgia
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Occupational Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Occupational Therapy for fibromyalgia may benefit a sufferer a good deal because a therapist oversees whether or not the way one manages their fibromyalgic life helps them or hurts them in their healing. An occupational therapist basically helps a fibromyalgia sufferer with the proper management of their daily life. This means they train the fibromyalgia sufferer about stress, time, and task management which can reduce a sufferer's fibromyalgia symptoms from flaring up. Occupational therapists can also help with exercises for pain. Tell us your experience with occupational therapy for fibromyalgia.

Treatment Ratings for FMS Symptoms
Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 9.00 9.00
Myofasical Trigger Point Pain Relief 8.00 8.00
More Energy / Mental Clarity 6.00 6.00
Better Sleep 7.00 7.00
No Side Effects 9.00 9.00
Convenience 8.00 8.00
Cost/Benefit 10.00 10.00
Depression Relief 7.00 7.00
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   6.00 6.00
Genitourinary Problem Relief 7.00 7.00
Skin Problem Relief 4.00 4.00
Hyopoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

Based on 1 rating(s) & review(s).


Displaying 1-1 of 1 ratings and reviews.

0 out of 2 people found this review useful.

9   01/06/07
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
Excellent treatment

Treatment Time Frame: 1 Year
Treatment Frequency: 1 Time Per Week

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 9.00 9
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 8.00 8
More Energy / Mental Clarity 6.00 6
Better Sleep 7.00 7
No Side Effects 9.00 9
Convenience 8.00 8
Cost/Benefit 10.00 10
Depression Relief 7.00 7
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   6.00 6
Genitourinary Problem Relief 7.00 7
Skin Problem Relief 4.00 4
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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Displaying 1-1 of 1 ratings and reviews.

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